If one's going to get rid of the save button, then the program should sure as well give me feedback about when the last time it's saved. Often times, when I want to close something that autosaves, I'm not sure if now's a good time or not.
When it comes to version control, you do actually want to control when a version is saved, because there's meaning behind the different save points, conveyed to others that might want to fork and merge. Wading through a history of meaningless changes is no one's idea of fun, because the intention of the version isn't conveyed well only through the changeset.
When it comes to version control, you do actually want to control when a version is saved, because there's meaning behind the different save points, conveyed to others that might want to fork and merge. Wading through a history of meaningless changes is no one's idea of fun, because the intention of the version isn't conveyed well only through the changeset.