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Does the name mean anything? I guess it's an anagram of statsd, but it's tough on the eyes.

Maybe I'm just not seeing them, but this seems to be missing some of my favorite graphite features.

- Combining multiple metrics on a single graph

- Filters (e.g. lowestCurrent)

- Graph labels and resizing

Is there a feature like graphite events?

It's an acronym for statsd indeed. Tough on the eyes yet easy to remember I think... Not the best name ever I admit :)

- Combining graph is one of the biggest missing feature at the moment. We'll have simultaneous hover very soon to kind to help with that, and we'll work on combining the graphs right after! (useful for scale of course!)

- On timers you have the main "filters" built-in: min, max, 0.1 / 0.9 percentile and average. The filters are more an UI challenge than anything else so we should be able to iterate on that. We wanted to get something out fast!

- Graph resizing: same as above. The sky's the limit, we're using d3.js and it's pretty awesome but we wanted to limit ourselves to the core features for this first release!

Thanks a bunch for your comments they're really useful!

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