"This is like the conspiracy that women's pants don't have pockets to sell more purses."
Oh my god, this explains everything!
(btw. I recently learned, that the 9/11 inside job conspiracy evolved. Nowdays the standard theory is, that there were not even planes in the first place, just bombs and smoke)
I cant tell if you're on the side of conspiracy or not but you are correct that no plane crashed into building 7. Debris fell from 1 and 2 and set the building on fire, and since there was no fire suppression, it all went up pretty badly
Still less weird than what actually happened, that Bush Jr and Cheney went to the 'international community' and made obvious lies and then invaded two countries and killed and displaced millions upon millions of people and got away with it.
Except different companies sell different things. This is like the conspiracy that women's pants don't have pockets to sell more purses.