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I wrote this a while ago (July last year) as http://goosegoosego.com whose source code is available at https://gist.github.com/1113894

You missed a spot in your handling of bang syntax, DuckDuckGo allows you to use either "\", "! " or "!ducky " to find the first result, you don't handle "\".

At the time I also sent Gabriel Weinberg an couple of E-Mails about it saying I'd love to have it be made redundant by DuckDuckGo itself, but it's not a feature he's interested in pursuing:

    > > > On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 6:41 AM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <avarab@gmail.com> wrote:
    > > > I implemented a wrapper around DuckDuckGo and Google and stuck it on
    > > > goosegoosego.com
    > > >
    > > > I got tired of always prefixing my normal queries with "!g", and not
    > > > having "! " work the way I wanted.
    > > >
    > > On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 12:47, Gabriel Weinberg <yegg@duckduckgo.com> wrote:
    > > > Hah, nice :)
    > > > Gabriel, http://ye.gg/
    > Needless to say I'd be delighted if some option to duckduckgo.com
    > would make this redundant.
    > One flaw in it is that if you e.g. search for "!mysql" it'll redirect
    > to duck-duck-go, which'll do a "site:mysql.com" search an DDG.
    > I'd like it to do a "site:" search on Google instead, but that would
    > require me to compile a list of all the bang operators that result in
    > site: queries, which would make the code a bit more complex than it
    > currently is.
    > It would be great if you could pass some GET parameter to DDG to make
    > it emulate GooseGooseGo's behavior, e.g.:
    >     http://duckduckgo.com/?dse=google&q=foobar
    > dse = Default Search Engine.
    > Then you could also make it prefer Bing, Yahoo etc.

    Duly noted, but not sure about doing that. Alternatively, you can
    use the 0-click api at http://api.duckduckgo.com/, which returns
    bang redirects and then you can just do a substitution if you see

    Gabriel, http://ye.gg/
So handling stuff like !mysql is certainly something you could expand upon if you want to make this more complete, I was just interested in making mine as minimal as possible, so it's a simple standalone script.

Also, to anyone using DuckDuckGoog or my GooseGooseGo you should be aware that you're trusting some (other) random dudes on the internet with your searches, I don't log anything with GooseGooseGo (no access or error logs), but you only have my word for that.

You can expose some sensitive information via your searches, and that's a reason why many people use DuckDuckGo in the first place even though their results aren't always up to par with Google's.

Neat! Thanks for the info/site/email thread.

> You missed a spot in your handling of bang syntax, DuckDuckGo allows you to use either "\", "! " or "!ducky " to find the first result, you don't handle "\".

I left this out on purpose since I don't really consider it part of "bang" syntax since it doesn't include ! ("bang") but I suppose I'm just splitting hairs at this point.

> Also, to anyone using DuckDuckGoog or my GooseGooseGo you should be aware that you're trusting some (other) random dudes on the internet with your searches, I don't log anything with GooseGooseGo (no access or error logs), but you only have my word for that.

Agreed, this is a concern. I posted a link to the GitHub repo for DuckDuckGoog in the site's footer but of course it's my word against the user's that that is the current code being used on the site and that I didn't add in any tracking code in the build process or anything.

From what I understand, all of this can be done entirely in javascript, mitigating any security issues of queries going over the wire.

I did post your GooseGooseGo link on HN at the time but it didn't get much traction :(

ref: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2836779

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