Thanks for the disclosure. Don’t feel too bad, those stuff you helped built may not cause much damage as you feared.
CDN used to be at the front line of blocking content and surveillance citizens, nowadays that happens mostly thru social networks.
Unlike other countries, Chinese citizens are ultra online, and mostly concentrated on two platforms Webo and Wechat. Most other online services all require authentication via either of these two, plus cellphone number. So for govt it’s very simple to block anything or see any identity, CDN hardly play any major role anymore.
CDN used to be at the front line of blocking content and surveillance citizens, nowadays that happens mostly thru social networks.
Unlike other countries, Chinese citizens are ultra online, and mostly concentrated on two platforms Webo and Wechat. Most other online services all require authentication via either of these two, plus cellphone number. So for govt it’s very simple to block anything or see any identity, CDN hardly play any major role anymore.