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Personally I switched because I could read tmux config as opposed to screen's, and tmux is shell friendly. I use ubuntu and the default screen there has vertical panes for a long time, so that doesn't factor in.

tmux being shell-friendly means I write one shell script for each project, and if I restart the system for some reason, I open the terminal and run tmux-foo. tmux-foo creates a session, cds to project root and create multiple windows, opens vim in one, rails s in another, logs in another, rails console, dbconsole etc etc.

If you are curious, pick a config which gives you screen like keybindings(tmux uses c-b; I swore to screen long back I would use c-a) and try it for some time. As far as user experience goes, you have everything you had in screen with some added benefits(no, it isn't bmw)

>you have everything you had in screen

...except for serial communication. Because I connect to various hardware UART devices all day, I need serial communication. I hate minicom and most of the other serial comm programs don't have the features I need.

Since I'm already using screen as my serial communication software, I go ahead and use it for terminal multiplexing and session management as well.

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