Affiliate income is tied to the size of my audience. Income from relocation assistance is tied to the number of hours in a day. So far I have made more money doing less work, and it helped far more people.
I’d much rather help a greater number of people for free than the well-off minority that can afford my time. I’d sooner run my business into the ground than change this.
Since you're an expert in the field, the time you spend on an individual client is much less than what the person would spend figuring it out for themselves. And time is money. Whether a person is rich or poor.
I think you are thinking and operating in the old paradigm, thinking that somebody spending a few hundred dollars on getting expert help on the Internet is outrageous, even if it's a life changing spend. Would you consider somebody spending a few hundred dollars on expert advice in a fancy office to be outrageous? Then consider that your expertise is way higher. There's nothing wrong with you charging for your immigration services and expertise. And as I said, you can still offer as much information for free as you please. It's only better for sales.
Google does not owe you any traffic and they don't owe you any business income from affiliate links or ads. Zero. If you don't like Google using the information on your website that you are giving away for free, then it only takes a few minutes to remove your domain from Google.
You can combine giving information for free with getting paid for your work. But you can't demand that Google pays for that.
I’d much rather help a greater number of people for free than the well-off minority that can afford my time. I’d sooner run my business into the ground than change this.