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In one of the numerous HN stories about this thing someone pointed out (and I wish I had a link to this) that if iFixit can easily disassemble the machine (and they can) then there obviously isn't a problem here. No, end users aren't supposed to be taking it apart, but the complaints about the glue have to do with the potential for impacting recyclability, which is a whole different ballgame. If iFixit can remove the battery, so can recyclers.

Can they? The best I've seen was an image of one battery cell pried half off next to a comment saying they gave up trying to get the battery out safely.

safely is the core thing I believe, in recycler context you would not care about not breaking things.

Safely refers to the well-being of the person rather than the battery. Puncturing lithium-polymer batteries can be dangerous.

> so can recyclers

Recyclers have to work fast - otherwise it's not worth it to them, and they'll just toss it.

So just because it's possible to remove the battery doesn't mean it's practical.

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