You are giving an extremely unfavourable impression of the Haskell community. If you care about the Haskell community, please stop interacting with people like this.
I don't care about Haskell community. If you've got anything to object to regarding my rebuttal of the OP's claims about Haskell and/or Nix (that are completely untrue and misleading), please state them instead of assuming that I speak on behalf of any community. I'm calling out someone's incompetence here, if you don't like it, that's on you.
You're right: I don't like it. It's on me? OK, fine by me. I'm glad if you're saying you don't believe your behaviour reflects on the Haskell community, and I hope everyone reading this thread takes that to heart. In my opinion this kind of superior, petty attitude is not welcome in the Haskell community.