> One of the skills I already have is the ability to work with difficult people or take on projects that need to be rescued and turn them around.
That is one damn good Superpower! Develop it further and charge/ask more for the job. Advertise it in big bold letters to management/clients/everybody. As you say, that is your "brand".
> And if anyone has tips for how to make use of this skill set in a way that's genuinely fulfilling rather than draining, I'm all ears!
That is one damn good Superpower! Develop it further and charge/ask more for the job. Advertise it in big bold letters to management/clients/everybody. As you say, that is your "brand".
> And if anyone has tips for how to make use of this skill set in a way that's genuinely fulfilling rather than draining, I'm all ears!
Do not let the above take over your life. Practice detachment via "Self-Distancing" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distancing_(psychology)) and drop it from your mind/consciousness when not working. Also see;
Self-Distancing: What It Is and How You Can Use It to Make Better Decisions - https://effectiviology.com/self-distancing-rational-decision...