there is huge incentive for people who don't know how to code/create/do-stuff to slow things down like this b/c it allows them many years of runway at the company.
they are almost always cloaked in virtue signals.
almost every established company you join will already have had this process going for a long time.
doing stuff successfully at such a company is dangerous to the hierarchy and incurs an immune response to shut down or ostracize the doing-of-stuff successfully so the only way to survive or climb is to do stuff unsuccessfully (so they look good)
they are almost always cloaked in virtue signals.
almost every established company you join will already have had this process going for a long time.
doing stuff successfully at such a company is dangerous to the hierarchy and incurs an immune response to shut down or ostracize the doing-of-stuff successfully so the only way to survive or climb is to do stuff unsuccessfully (so they look good)