I was about to switch from Emacs when I found TIDE for Typescript development (which is what I do), and it kept me in Emacs for years longer.
Recently though I couldn't resist experimenting with Copilot and I switched to VS code for it, after 32 years. Is there a good Emacs module for it by now?
I don't know whether there is Copilot module for Emacs, sorry.
I'm more of a fan of gptel approach https://github.com/karthink/gptel with explicit context and instructions.
There's definitely a lot of choices in Emacs land for these new LLM tools. There's copilot mode, chatgpt shell, gptel, theres so'e more from other AI startups. Plus writing LLM integrations for Emacs is a breeze with everything being text buffers.
Recently though I couldn't resist experimenting with Copilot and I switched to VS code for it, after 32 years. Is there a good Emacs module for it by now?