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Octogit (github.com/myusuf3)
81 points by ahammad on July 15, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments

I used this project as an excuse to submit a pull request (adding gist viewing), refresh myself some python (it's been a while), and write a blog post about it (http://earino.wordpress.com/2012/07/15/being-a-github-polygl...). I genuinely love what github has provided me, a place to program for fun again, without having to delve so deeply into a sub-community of open source that I have to invest real deeply. I can literally hit a URL, see what issues exist about a project, and fix something. Github is awesome.

it hasn't been updated in ages, which is a shame really as last time I checked a lot of the super useful commands (like transforming an issue into a PR) were not working because of the v3 API

Would be nice to see someone take on maintaining hub, or at least fixing the broken stuff. Zach Holman spoke highly of it in "Git and Github Secrets" a few weeks ago.

I was under the impression mislav was maintaining it at the moment. At least I've seen some commits from him in the last 2 months, including some a few hours ago, although that might have been prompted by this thread.

There seem to be some active forks:


defunkt is prolific, almost too prolific. He abandons a lot of awesome projects.

I wonder why wouldn't Hub use Ruby Jem for GitHub API? https://github.com/peter-murach/github

I wish the author could have just contributed to hub (https://github.com/defunkt/hub)... It would be very cool if 'hub' had issues support.

Oh well, this is written in Python, and 'hub' is Ruby.

Before defunkt's hub there was App::GitHub so it might have been good if everyone had contributed to this :)

ref: https://metacpan.org/module/App::GitHub

I'm going to suggest that hub adds issues support via the ghi gem: https://github.com/stephencelis/ghi/

I think the issues arena is a good use case, and I currently use ghi, but I agree that most of the other commands are pretty rare and using a web interface is not a major issue every few wweeks

but I definitely will give it a try - I would like to add prentice child relationships to issues - they would make a good backlog / story tracker combined with hubboard

The only issue I have with this is having to type 'octogit' as a command or alias it, compared to 'hub' or 'git'.

Doesn't seem to me that any of these commands are actually run that often, and if that's wrong, is making an alias really that hard?

`octo` is better, shorter and catchier than `octogit` IMO. And a lot of people unfortunately don't know about aliases.

I'd be surprised if many people choosing to run a command line github interface wouldn't know about aliases.

Based on the lowercase "g" I assume it's the same as GitHub's, which is apparently a [modified version of Collegiate][1].

[1]: http://www.quora.com/GitHub/What-font-is-used-in-the-GitHub-...

That's a completely different font.

This is awesome.

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