Ehh, maybe it's just how the poly scene is shaped around here, but in my experience the men are usually very far from any real or imagined "most desirable 1%". For poly women the gamut is wider, but not that much. Heavy tendency towards the ASD spectrum in both.
Your "1%" will just go to clubs or on Tinder and hook up with other conventionally attractive people, without having to deal with some weirdo subculture.
> Your "1%" will just go to clubs or on Tinder and hook up with other conventionally attractive people, without having to deal with some weirdo subculture.
Pretty much. There's a lot of swingers these days, but no one with a triple digit IQ will raise their say "Hey I'm a swinger!" to their entire friend circle due to all the downsides that come along with it. People just do it quietly to avoid causing drama (from usually ugly people). I've always suspected the need for people to declare these types of alternate-sexuality lifestyles is more attention seeking and validation than actual organic expression of an identity. The loudest ones about these lifestyles are usually the most boner-killer types in terms of looks.
Your "1%" will just go to clubs or on Tinder and hook up with other conventionally attractive people, without having to deal with some weirdo subculture.