Wtf is wrong with you dude? It's just another tech, some jobs will get worse some jobs will get better. Happens every couple of decades. Stop freaking out.
This is not a very kind or humble comment. There are real experts talking about how this time is different -- as an analogy, think about how horses, for thousands of years, always had new things to do -- until one day they didn't. It's hubris to think that we're somehow so different from them.
>But while the “making AGI” part of the mission seems well on track, it feels like I (and others) have gradually realized how much harder it is to contribute in a robustly positive way to the “succeeding” part of the mission, especially when it comes to preventing existential risks to humanity.
Are you that upset that this guy chose to trust the people that OpenAI hired to talk about AI safety, on the topic of AI safety?