Hm, that's pretty odd, I found its handling of large files to be pretty fast for a GUI editor, and "slow and unresponsive" accurately describes the opposite of why I like Sublime.
Especially since it's always non-blocking, e.g. when you load a large file, a progress bar appears as it loads into memory but the rest of the editor continues to work without a hiccup. Quite nice.
Besides, it wasn't designed to search log files. That's what grep is for.
The speed of ST's find function never fails to take me by surprise. Even with thousands of files it'll never take more than a second. In fact, it's sometimes only slow when it can't find something.
Especially since it's always non-blocking, e.g. when you load a large file, a progress bar appears as it loads into memory but the rest of the editor continues to work without a hiccup. Quite nice.
Besides, it wasn't designed to search log files. That's what grep is for.