My company is currently adopting this and I don't see the appeal yet - likely from a lack of knowing much about it.
I added it to a side project just to get familiar and it added quite a few sdk files and folders to my project, and lots of decorators. It also required Docker and yadda yadda yadda.
I just could not justify using it compared to just running some regular Typescript file with Bun (or, in a different project, `go run cmd/ci/main.go`)
Simple problems require simple solutions. If Makefile, NPM run, or Rake gets the job done, stick with it. That's great.
The problem that Dagger and similar efforts solve is for pipelines at scale, whether that's a sea of microservices maintained by an armada of teams (which never work the same) or your massive pipelines that should be decomposed into a more atomic pipeline that fed into one.
I believe the latter is a big productivity hurdle even without org-scale. My release pipeline runs for 25min with a team <5 because it's multi-staged (testing pyramid) and includes end-to-end tests. I love my pipeline because it makes me feel safe releasing my software upon success.
However, god forbid it fails with a non-obvious error of 20 minutes into exec. Lack of portability (Hi GHA vendor lock-in) and reproducibility (local-run = impossible) will make this feedback-loop hell.
Now, wiseguys might tell me that pipelines shouldn't run for multiple minutes and only unit tests blah. That's divorced from reality. This sentiment won't not solve automation problems and won't optimize for velocity. It merely throws it over the fence to somebody else. If you have "the luxury" a QE/QA/Release team which I feel bad for.
So the question to ask yourself is: how do I know I have outgrown `go run cmd/ci/main.go`?
Not sure but my guess is because they aren't a good fit for many languages. If you need a task runner then often languages will have a built in option or there are better alternatives than Make. If you need a build system then Make isn't a good fit for a lot of modern languages.
I’ve been using earthly a lot lately and its general value prop is simple: it turns out that if Buildkit is your primary build tool that Make targets can almost always be represented as OCI image layers. The killer feature IMO is that its syntax is familiar enough to end users of both Make and Dockerfiles that engineers tend to be willing to onboard to it. A lot of these other solutions that use proprietary DSL’s struggle to cover every use case, and the implementations in turing complete typical language SDK approach often forces you into analysis paralysis if there is no existing pattern.
My struggle with Make and bash is that they're not very expressive - maybe that's something we want in our CIs, but I've always preferred writing an actual program in that program's native language for CI/CD, even if it has to shell out some commands every now and again.
If you stick with what is in common between ninja build and Makefiles, and comment any usage you do of what isn't, the file will mostly mention a series of inputs -> box -> outputs. What happens is make will dispatch in a way that the inputs are all satisfied. It works fine afaict, the only issue is make doesn't contain by itself the tools that it expects to be available in your environment, so you will still need something else to solve that.
You want to use GNU Make, and then you can ignore the Make dependency tracking. GNU Make is much easier when you only use so-called phony targets (consult the manual), which always execute without doing any dependency tracking.
As for the advantage, a makefile will definitely perform both go build and docker push, rather than just (say) docker push, an ever-present risk if you have to rely on your fingers to type these things in, or rely on your eyes to check that you recalled the right command from the history. It will also explicitly tell you the build failed rather than relying on you to do echo $? or for the tools to have some obvious output in the error case.
A shell script is also an option. Makefiles have some helpful extra features: by default, commands are echoed; by default, the build fails if any command exits with a non-0 exit code (please consult local Unix person for the details); a Makefile inherently has multiple entry points; and, a Makefile can also be easier to get working on Windows than a shell script, though if you can demand that people run it from Git Bash then maybe there's not much in this.
If you're still not convinced: that's fine! This is not a sales pitch.
(I've more recently switching to using a do-everything Python script for this stuff, which is more annoying when it comes to invoking commands but has obvious advantages in terms of how easy it is to add extra logic and checks and some UI creature comforts and so on.)
Maybe none, but at some point you may want to do other things at buildtime, such as generating an sqlite db or generate code stubs for protobuf. Having a universal, and highly refined, tool like Make will help developers without domain knowledge. It also does not exclude the use of other tool like Just and Docker. A Makefile is also an easy jump-off point for a build pipeline.
Then introduce it for those things. But a makefile to call go build, go test, docker push, Ecs update-services provides no value other than all of a sudden not working on windows without another tool.
At that point you end up with a makefile that has a 1:1 mapping with targets in my experience.
At a previous job, we had an enormous makefile, most of which was defining phone targets and translating make arguments into maven arguments. All the actual targets were calling maven. Make provided no value at all in that, other than requiring you to know
Make and maven to modify anything in the build.
Personally I’d rather a shell script for a command runner in most cases
If you have a telltale prefix for any internal phony targets (I use "_"), then you can have the Makefile list all the interesting targets itself. Cat the Makefile, print every line matching "^\.PHONY:[[:space:]]*[^_]", then strip out the prefix. Leave any suffix, as you can put a trailing comment in, e.g.,
.PHONY:build_windows # build for Windows. Supply DEBUG=1 for a debug build
I find this super useful. Even if you remember exactly what the target was called, it still gives you a nice list of words you can double click on to pull into the command line.
The `just` tool is a better and much easier to understand command runner than `make`, however. Much less feature surface, too, which eliminates nasty surprises coming from the unnecessary complexity of `make`.
`just` is 90% similar to `make` in syntax, only it has 100x less foot guns. :)
Also I'll never understand the appeal of "not having to install a tool". We're not in the 1980s anymore when that was an actual chore. You run a command, the tool is there (including in CI/CD), boom, done. What am I missing here?
Bootstrapping can be painful in some languages or frameworks. Not everyone is running containerised builds where there are ephemeral environments that you just install a tool (and pay the 30+ second cost per build to run apt-get update). There’s certainly value in having a front door entry point. But I think it should be a shell script, not a makefile.
Yes to your last. Either sh/bash script or a precompiled Golang program. If installing a tool is really such a problem then having a precompiled strongly typed program doing various tasks should be a no-brainer.
I started openly hating `make` because I re-learned its specifics and quirks several times over the course of 10-ish years and then figured that I want to learn stuff with a staying power in my brain. I don't use `make` every work day so eventually any quirks disappear -- that's how our brains work.
So that's why I learned most of `just` and it hasn't betrayed me so far, not once. Though I did write a few Elixir and Golang programs for running various tasks in production environment, too.
I touched make once in 1999, in school. The syntax was arcane, even by 1999 standards.
> Why have they gone out of style?
Because no modern toolchain uses make. Its syntax is so arcane that it's been replaced with various tools that are designed for the specific stack. Otherwise, more generic build systems use modern languages / markup.
Suppose I give you two functions f, and g. Can you run f(g()) without breaking things? The honest answer is you don't know until you read the functions, which is a slow and difficult thing to do.
Suppose I give you functions f and g of respective types int -> str and Nothing -> str. Can you compose them? No, and you see this immediately from the types. Types make reasoning about composability a lot easier.
Of course, it's not a panacea, and it's less helpful the more side effects a function has. Can we compose pure int->int functions? Of course! Can we compose two of them where the second expects some image to exist in some docker registry? You'll need to read the first to be able to tell.
Given the highly side effectful nature of pipelines, I'd think the applicability of types would be limited. But maybe that's just a lack of imagination on my part.
Certainly information like "this pipeline expects these variables" and "this pipeline sets these variables" are susceptible to a typed approach, and it would make things easier. By how much, I don't know.
What are side-effects but undocumented arguments and returns?
Firstly, you want to ensure your functions are pure with respect to input. That is to say, they might reference a configuration or context object that is passed to them as an argument, but they'll never reference some global object/variable.
So then the docker image inside some docker registry? Both the image and the registry are values in the config/context argument at the least. Maybe they're their own separate arguments depending on whether you prefer a single big object argument or a bunch of smaller more primitive arguments.
So then the pure function that expects the docker image to exist in some registry is no longer
Int -> Int
It's now
String -> String -> Int -> Int
because it needs a registry and an image. Maybe it's
String -> String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int
because there's a username and password required to access the registry. Icky, but if we make a few types like
data Registry {
user :: String,
password :: String,
url :: String
that becomes
Registry -> String -> Int
But we could make it better by doing something like
data Foo {
reg:: Registry,
image :: String
and now the function can be
Foo -> Int -> Int
This doesn't fix the image not actually existing in the registry, but at least now we know that the two functions aren't composable, and when it fails because the image doesn't exist we can hopefully trace through to see who the caller is that's giving it incorrect data.
PS: sorry if i got the haskell typing wrong. I don't know haskell so that's the result of what i could cobble together from googling about haskell type syntax
I have a hot take on this. I don’t care how you build and deploy as long as it’s reproducible and the whole process can be tracked in their metadata. I’d rather have a process validating CI/CD stages and artifacts metadata in a central db than unifying pipelines that won’t get standardized due communication complexity. This way I can have a conversation on visibility rather than code edge cases.
It's already required in Federal procurement and if you're seeking FDA approval, they've indicated you should prepare for it. I'd wager it reaches other regulated domains once the standards, experience, and tooling stabilize.
I had a look at the example glu deployment pipeline and I’m decidedly unimpressed.
Admittedly most of my criticism is related to the choice of Go as an implementation language: more than 80% of the code volume is error handling boilerplate!
Before the lovers of Go start making the usual arguments consider that in a high-level pipeline script every step is expected to fail in novel and interesting ways! This isn’t “normal code” where fallible external I/O interactions are few and far between, so error handling overhead is amortised over many lines of logic! Instead the code becomes all error handling with logic… in there… somewhere. Good luck even spotting it.
Second, I don’t see the benefit of glu (specifically) over established IaC systems such as Pulumi — which is polyglot and allows the use of languages that aren’t mostly repetitive error handling ceremony.
This seems like an internally developed tool that suits the purposes of a single org “thrown over the fence” in the hope that the open source community will contribute to their private tool.
ocamlci is an OCaml Platform offered canned recipe, a la glu, and they really cut that boilerplate down. I almost never use, but i had the same vibes as you did and it made me think of an impl i thought glu may have something to learng from.
> Pipeline definitions are scattered across multiple tools—GitHub Actions, Jenkins, ArgoCD, Kubernetes—and environments. This fragmentation leads to confusion, configuration drift, and duplicated effort.
So are they talking about some sort of meta language compiling into multiple yaml configs for the different environments or a single separate CI tool that has plugins and integrates with GitHub/gitlab/etc?
I do agree with them about the need for a real programming language. I hate yaml in gitlabs config, it is very hard to interpret how it will be interpreted. Things were much easier when I was scripting Jenkins even though I didn't know or like groovy then with gitlab
I don't think this is reasonable if you have a cross platform (web, android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, ...) app, things won't be that clean, that only works if whatever you do is very simple, otherwise there will be some patchwork to build and test across all platforms - there's just no way to run all of them local in your single platform computer whatever that is. Honestly a lot of what is there is not that useful, I don't need types in the pipeline when scripting python for build integration logic, there's nothing that types brings that are a must in that case.
> The Fix: Use a full modern programming language, with its existing testing frameworks and tooling.
I was reading the article and thinking myself "a lot of this is fixed if the pipeline is just a Python script." And really, if I was to start building a new CI/CD tool today the "user facing" portion would be a Python library that contains helper functions for interfacing with with the larger CI/CD system. Not because I like Python (I'd rather Ruby) but because it is ubiquitous and completely sufficient for describing a CI/CD pipeline.
I'm firmly of the opinion that once we start implementing "the power of real code: loops, conditionals, runtime logic, standard libraries, and more" in YAML then YAML was the wrong choice. I absolutely despise Ansible for the same reason and wish I could still write Chef cookbooks.
I don't think I agree.
I've now seen the 'language' approach in jenkins and the static yaml file approach in gitlab and drone.
A lot of value is to be gained if the whole script can be analysed statically, before execution. E.g. UI Elements can be there and the whole pipeline is visible, before even starting it.
It also serves as a natural sandbox for the "setup" part so we can always know that in a finite (and short) timeline, the script is interpreted and no weird stuff can ever happen.
Of course, there are ways to combine it (e.g. gitlab can generate and then trigger downstream pipelines from within the running CI, but the default is the script. It also has the side effect that pipeline setup can't ever do stuff that cannot be debugged (because it's running _before_ the pipeline)
But I concede that this is not that clear-cut. Both have advantages.
If you manage to avoid scope creep then sure, static YAML has advantages. But that's not usually what happens, is it? The minute you allow users to execute an outside program -- which is strictly necessary for a CI/CD system -- you've already lost. But even if we ignore that, the number of features always grows over time: you add variables so certain elements can be re-used, then you add loops and conditionals because some things need to happen multiple times, and then you add the ability to do math, string manipulation is always useful, and so on. Before you know it you're trying to solve the halting problem because your "declarative markup" is a poorly specified turing-complete language that just happens to use a YAML parser as a tokenizer. This bespoke language will be strictly worse than Python in every way.
My argument is that we should acknowledge that any CI/CD system intended for wide usage will eventually arrive here, and it's better that we go into that intentionally rather than accidentally.
I believe checks all these manifesto boxes and more. At least that’s where I’m focusing my attention.