> my brother in Christ, you should've broken up with her on the spot
After she told me she wanted to be with me for life? I had hoped the poly issue was going to be in the past
I was in my early 20s, I was in love, she was my second girlfriend, who happened to be my high school crush, "the one that got away" but I got a second shot with her and took it, I was living the dream
How that relationship ended screwed me up for a long time. I'm better now, and I have a very loving stable partner
>After she told me she wanted to be with me for life?
well, as you saw, it wasn't really the case, was it? I don't mean to rub salt into the wound, but she's been fucking that guy long before that conversation with you.
I'm glad to hear that it had all worked out for you in the end. never second-guess your decision to reject that suggestion.
> After she told me she wanted to be with me for life? I had hoped the poly issue was going to be in the past
You hopefully learned that girls lie, like to avoid conflict and keep their options open. Once you accept these 3 facts they become much easier to understand. Guys care less about point 2.
Only judge someone by their actions, not words. And your gf fucking other people is a pretty clear statement of her feelings for you and her intention for your future.
After she told me she wanted to be with me for life? I had hoped the poly issue was going to be in the past
I was in my early 20s, I was in love, she was my second girlfriend, who happened to be my high school crush, "the one that got away" but I got a second shot with her and took it, I was living the dream
How that relationship ended screwed me up for a long time. I'm better now, and I have a very loving stable partner