Where would you place this between osquery and steampipe? It seems to borrow concepts on both sides, but I'm not sure how it could not be plugin for either.
I see it a bit that way: while osquery focuses on OS-level queries and steampipe on cloud services, Musoq is more developer-centric, I'm using it like swiss army knife for various thing, something like sed or grep. You can ofcourse create plugins that covers what mentioned tools do or even, use that tools as a plugin for musoq but in general - I'm not going to compete with any of them, I'm filling my own niche - flexible developer tool.
That helps, thanks! It is all about the framing. I love these kinds of tools and have been using a combination of them together with nushell, but it is a road less travelled it seems. All the more reason to evangelise your tool :) keep up the good work.