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Very cool!

How does this interface with the different tools and how would one add another tool for it to operate on?

I started on something similar last year which was just a simple bash script to interact with things like osquery. Alas it was too buggy for what I wanted to do and it's paused indefinitely for now.

You can query with --format [raw|csv|json|interpreted_json]

This will output pure json or csv. This way you can use other tools like jq, grep, csvtoolkit or whatever you need further process your data.

to dig deeper, just look at: https://github.com/Puchaczov/Musoq.CLI

After some thought: you could have also asked whether it's possible to add new data sources that you need to query, and the answer is of course yes! It's actually quite simple and there are many examples. Each data source tool is just a plugin implementing the appropriate interfaces. You can look at some example projects and see how they implement their data source here: https://github.com/Puchaczov/Musoq.DataSources

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I was asking about new data sources, so for example if I wanted to add Github to query my GH issues with Musoq, how I would do that.

Great, I'll check out the links!

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