I feel stupid. I read “automatically syncing ebooks and audiobooks” and thought StoryTeller was a file synchronization service (like SyncThing) that for some reason only supported certain file types.
Maybe “syncing ebooks with audiobooks” would be clearer? Also entirely possible this is just a me problem, not a general one.
This is like... comically hard to express succinctly haha. We've been having several conversations about how to explain it quickly to new folks. I like the phrase that the Readium folks use, "guided narration", but I don't know how useful that is for folks that aren't already familiar with what Storyteller does
“Aligning” seems a perfectly good word to me. It’s the technical term that gets used, and it’s not particularly overloaded so people aren’t going to expect it to mean something else, and it’s easy to demonstrate even pictorially.
(I would also use the term “synchronising” rather than “syncing”, because “syncing” has kinda developed a meaning of its own, even though it came from the same place. And use the word “with”, and try to use the words “text”. “Synchronising ebook text with audiobooks” is way better than “syncing ebooks and audiobooks”.)
Maybe “syncing ebooks with audiobooks” would be clearer? Also entirely possible this is just a me problem, not a general one.
Really cool project!