You learn a lot by what isn't mentioned. Willow had 101 qubits in the quantum error correction experiment, yet only mere 67 qubits in the random circuit sampling experiment. Why did they not test random circuit sampling with the full set of qubits? Maybe when turning on the full 101 set of qubits, qubits fidelity dropped.
Remember macroscopic objects have 10^23=2^76 particles, so until 76 qubits are reached and exceeded, I remain skeptical that the quantum system actually exploits an exponential Hilbert space, instead of the state being classically encoded by the particles somehow. I bet Google is struggling just at this threshold and they don't announce it.
Remember macroscopic objects have 10^23=2^76 particles, so until 76 qubits are reached and exceeded, I remain skeptical that the quantum system actually exploits an exponential Hilbert space, instead of the state being classically encoded by the particles somehow. I bet Google is struggling just at this threshold and they don't announce it.