> As an example, in my desktop, it takes ~25min to compile a Debug version of LLVM, but ~23min to compile a Release version.
oh I think I know what might cause this: TableGen. The `llvm-tblgen` run time accounts for a good chunk of LLVM build time. In a debug build `llvm-tblgen` is also unoptimized, hence the long run time generating those .inc / .def files. You can enable cmake variable `LLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN` to build `llvm-tblgen` in release mode while leaving the rest of the project in debug build (or whatever `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` you choose).
The biggest factor in improving LLVM compile/link times is sheer RAM capacity. LLVM compilation is extremely voracious with memory and the more you have the faster it is; otherwise, much time is spent swapping in and out of disk.
I've been compiling it with MSVC on Windows and the swap file after an LLVM compile balloons to ~60 GB. I inserted a couple more sticks to bring my 32 GB to 64 GB and my compile times shortened significantly (I don't have exact stopwatch times right now).
Nah no way it's more than 5%. 5% is definitely a chunk but not big enough that if you made it completely vanish I'd notice. I rebuild LLVM with no cache many times a day (debug, release, all targets, no targets, etc). Debug build takes longer because of all the symbols - LLVM has some enormous symbols due to templating hijinks.
Protips for speeding up building LLVM:
2. LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS only what you're interested in (do you really care about lld or flang whatever?)
3. Use clang/lld instead of gcc - way better RAM usage
oh I think I know what might cause this: TableGen. The `llvm-tblgen` run time accounts for a good chunk of LLVM build time. In a debug build `llvm-tblgen` is also unoptimized, hence the long run time generating those .inc / .def files. You can enable cmake variable `LLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN` to build `llvm-tblgen` in release mode while leaving the rest of the project in debug build (or whatever `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` you choose).