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Rajiv is awesome, you should listen to him

Says an ex "Product Manager at Dropbox".

Edit: Thanks for the downvotes. My point is, just make it unambiguous to everyone in your comment so we don't have to click through your profile. Context matters. e.g.:

"I was Product Manager at Dropbox and worked with Rajiv (the OP). He's awesome, you should listen to him."

Much better.

I've found working with people to be a reasonable way of finding out whether their opinions are worth listening to...

Even more reason to listen to him.

which means his opinion counts at least 100 times more than yours does.

What he's saying is that ivankirigin should have said that himself. I don't know that he has any credibility to his statement and wasn't going to give it any merit until akent made me realize that ivankirigin had first-hand experience.

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