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If a foreign, hostile country is helping you to win the election I think you ought to report it. I get if you are of the school that all that matters is winning and not how you do it, ethics aside, but setting a precedent that all is allowed is just dangerous. That's why I think it's great that there's new vote. I believe he might as well win again, but this time it's much more transparent what's behind it.

> Are you kidding? In the 2024 election, super PACs spent $4.5 billion on helping one candidate or the other win, and the source of more than 50% of those funds is unknown. I don’t think you can name a single democratic country where this doesn’t happen.

Yes, US the shining beacon of democratic process. But even in that system, there's a money trace—clear evidence who has spent and what amount. But since you are enthusiastic about it, can you analyze the Nordic systems as well?

> It’s kind of funny how people are willing to shut down all critical thinking when they want to believe a particular thing.

To me the funny part is that you can't argue without trying to dismiss my point of view. I think you should evaluate your own critical thinking before critizing others.

Look, I merely wanted to point out that it's good the interference was caught and put on display, probably the people will elect him to 2nd round nonetheless. I think he should be allowed to run of course, if that's why you are getting so worked up about this. It's clear the other parties probably try to out-maneuver him this time, but this might just as well help him.

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