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I'll stop being mischievousness, but basically the single page app replaces the desktop app of the past, this means:

- We build for the browser not the OS, no dependency in an organisation on windows, linux etc, it will even work on your ipad and mobile. This simplifies desktop support.

- server can easily publish updates frequently, very agile and responsive to change

- Takes advantage of the cloud and collaboration, your web app now has an API (your desktop app didn't!) so you can share data, link to other services and other web apps. Think of google docs, why would you create a word document and email it around or save on a share when you can share it in a web app and even have multiple people edit the document at the same time!

I believe the browser is replacing the OS, not surprisingly it doesn't do a very good job and it's a pain to work with but the end result is so much better for your users.

lastly I don't understand that suggestion ajax was a fad from mid 2000's ?? it's used everywhere and to mostly :) good effect !

> basically the single page app replaces the desktop app of the past

Yes, and I am saying this is shortsighted. We went from silos of information and data on a single computer and evolved into creating information in the public internet. Why go backwards? Outside of a small niche or two is there really a need for desktop apps hosted online? If they don't interact with the larger web, then just leave them on the desktop.

> - Takes advantage of the cloud and collaboration

I find this particularly ironic, since single-page apps actually break the standard of collaboration that has been around since the birth of the internet. I should be able to refer someone to a specific piece of information, they should be able to share it to others. And I'm not talking about hashbangs, just good old HTTP links.

> I believe the browser is replacing the OS

I don't. Browsers can't exist without an OS, for one. We're always going to need an OS of some fashion, and it's always going to have opinions and lock us in to certain paradigms. And that's actually a GOOD thing. I sure hope this misguided fad of the OS-less world will fade soon.

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