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"It was Mocha with CoffeeScript, not Ruby."

But the point is that this wasn't clear. I thought it was neat to watch (I watched a few minutes, skipped thru) but I've used node before and write a lot of JS; if I were new to this (or if you had been, say writing Lisp or something I don't know from) it would have been very confusing. The tests thing in particular was confusing. Lesson: strings resolve to true (??).

That said I think it is a great idea to do talks more like this; I've been to talks where people go on and on about the benefits and I'm thinking "where's the beef?" But a balance would be good: x% here's how you use node y%: here's WHY you use node. The latter was missing, and the former was missing if people go slowly or get stuck on the syntax or anything.

Why does it need to be clear? That is the point - I'm challenging people to think, solve, see what's happening and digest the code - and yeah I know some people won't like it. In fact I want those people to hate it. I have a sore spot with the "entitlement crowd" who need everything wrapped up sweetly with a bow - the ones who sit on their laptops in the back of the room, geek out on Twitter, and then give your talk a low rating because it was "boring slides".

Is it hard to figure out that it's CoffeeScript? I don't think so - specifically because I said that it was CoffeeScript in the beginning. You just had to read it :).

And yes! Strings resolve to true :). Madness that people got to figure that out with some code, and not a bullet point slide!


if the talk was intro to node, then why bring Mocha and CoffeeScript into it?

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