If teams have technical boundaries defined at a higher level in the stack (e.g. APIs) and so they don't share a database, you don't need loads of process and docs and architectural meetings to coordinate. Letting teams delivery independently is a good architectural feature.
I think cargo cutting stuff like "Postgres for everything" is also a plague. I agree you don't want to overengineer, but if you're a leader and your policy is basically "engineers can't ever be trusted to do hard things" then you're a bad leader.
Sorry if this comes off as brusque, but I've seen good engineers want to use Elasticache for the right reasons and seen "leaders" tell them no because "caching is one of the hard problems in computer science."
Leadership-by-folksy-saying is sadly a real thing.
I worked in a Postgres for everything business, and the IPO and later value creation for customers and investors (including me) had been stratospheric.
Not dealing with loads of technology choices in the early days is a boon.
Once we hit more than $100m in rev it made sense to allow a bit more optimisation for purpose - but only when we had cash flow to pay for it. Otherwise all these fancy-shmancy choices are just dressed-up tech debt.
Yeah my original comment was about experiences working at places with this kind of monetary success (if not more) and stubbornly not evolving. Low trust eng leadership philosophies will do that though.
I think that's actually the point of "postgres for everything"?