Under this framework, what if you simply bribed people to vote for your candidate of choice: e.g. Here's 20 euro, vote for this guy.
You could still say "The people who voted for this guy have agency and decided for themselves."
But this doesn't really pass a smell test for what we want democracy to look like.
Similarly, if you live in a country and you see billions of dollars poured into your election advertisements from USA, Russia, China, etc, you'd be like "wtf are we even sovereign?"
Where I live it's illegal to use a camera within 100 feet of a voting booth to protect the privacy of people's votes. If you tried to take a photo of your ballot, you'd likely get asked by a poll worker to put the camera away.
You could still say "The people who voted for this guy have agency and decided for themselves."
But this doesn't really pass a smell test for what we want democracy to look like.
Similarly, if you live in a country and you see billions of dollars poured into your election advertisements from USA, Russia, China, etc, you'd be like "wtf are we even sovereign?"