Apparently this has been happening for a long time but only recently drew attention when they announced integrating images. The founder cites the 2% number as if it's supposed to make it all okay, but when it comes to principled objection to funding Russian propaganda, it's hard to argue that we should be okay as long as the number per subscriber is small.
I've been a Kagi subscriber from the beginning and am up for renewal, and I've got to say here (since I can't say so there now that it's locked) that this is giving me pause. I've fought back against boycotting Russian-founded companies before (anyone remember when JetBrains came under fire?), but this is Yandex, not some little company that happens to have a Russian founder.
Edit: I just want to draw attention to the fact that this subthread was the top comment and now has been downranked to the bottom. Whether that was moderator action or algorithmic, I disagree with the decision.
Very good point about the lack of principled objection - that's pretty much anyone needs to know about this business - if they put anything else (in this case the idea of "being the best search") - over doing the right thing, it doesn't deserve to exist.
When a founder's/owner's moral attitude is this unprincipled, supporting their company will only make the problem worse. "Immorality scales with the business".
We are seeing this with Reddit and fake users. Kagi owners, employees and (prospective) users should ask themselves: "what good would even the best search engine be, if the world is already corrupted?" You will find what you support.
Apparently this has been happening for a long time but only recently drew attention when they announced integrating images. The founder cites the 2% number as if it's supposed to make it all okay, but when it comes to principled objection to funding Russian propaganda, it's hard to argue that we should be okay as long as the number per subscriber is small.
I've been a Kagi subscriber from the beginning and am up for renewal, and I've got to say here (since I can't say so there now that it's locked) that this is giving me pause. I've fought back against boycotting Russian-founded companies before (anyone remember when JetBrains came under fire?), but this is Yandex, not some little company that happens to have a Russian founder.
Edit: I just want to draw attention to the fact that this subthread was the top comment and now has been downranked to the bottom. Whether that was moderator action or algorithmic, I disagree with the decision.