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Bridge Building vs Software Engineering http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2005/05/bridges-software-en...

There is something different between software and other engineering methods. I'm not sure he expresses it properly, but it's definitely there.

The core of programming is creativity.

No developers develop the same way, and even though there are some obvious ways, there seldom exists an absolute all cases best way.

It is the thesis of the mythical month (F. Brooks) and I do like this theory since its corollary the "no silver bullets syndrome" is quite accurate.

The essence of programming is creativity, thus no tools can improve software productivity in its essence.

The problem with school, is studious dull boys with no imagination thinks they worth something in programming by incanting mantras of pseudo tech gibbish. They have a 90K$ loan, no gift, and they pollute the eco system because else, they become hobos. At least, most of them are hired as java, C++ or PHP developpers where they fit best.

> The essence of programming is creativity, thus no tools can improve software productivity in its essence.

Completely not true. Creativity is a fragile thing and anything that stands between you and expressing your thougths may break the creative process altogether. Good tools can also enhance the process[1], for example by allowing to see you the thing you're working on in realtime (see e.g. Bret Victor's "Inventing on Principle").

Also, software productivity is a function of both creativity AND being able to turn the idea into reality efficiently. Good tools do a great job on the second part.

[1] I do have the feeling though that most of the creativity still happens on paper and/or whiteboard, not inside computer programs.

most painful bugs are in the conception, thus at paper level.

And also most breakthrough are also in simple efficient conception.

Delivering is what most people calls craft.

I do pride myself in delivering, however, any monkey coder can deliver.

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