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Q: What's "Hylo"? Should I have heard of it?

A: It's a niche programming language the author is involved with. It's not widely-used enough to get its own Wikipedia page. It used to be called "Val". See: https://www.hylo-lang.org/

Its the brain child of Dave Abrahams, who is rather big in C++.


Maybe it's just me, but am no fan of they using the keyword ´fun´ to define a function. Nor Rust's ´fn´.

Also is it a bit strange they wrote "rust" along all the article instead of "Rust"?

Well, you're no fun :-(

Anyway, that's pure bikeshedding. "function" is a full word in English, but almost 3x the length.

And thus 3x more readable than fn. And otherwise it's bkshd for a 150% reduction.

To be fair, "fun" is also a full word in English. Also, it's just plain fun.

Personally I prefer `defn` for defining functions. `fn` is just a function that hasn't been declared or defined, obviously.

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