Honestly, if you or anyone else has a really easy way to get all communications/publications from every government/government-adjacent body, I genuinely would love to hear it. Especially at the regional/local level, cause those can be a real pain, and we'd love to save ourselves some time
In general, you might get more traction if you tilt this toward government contract capture a la Deltek GovWin and other companies. Lots of money in contract intelligence as well as proposal support (in addition to government relations / lobbying)
Yep we get the sources above. We've definitely thought about contract capture--we've just been hesitant because it seems like such a competitive space. But it's definitely tempting, and it wouldn't take much to convince us for sure
Definitely many thousands, possibly the 10s of thousands depending on what you count as a source (e.g., if you get press releases from one part if an agency’s site, and speeches from another part, one could consider those separate sources I suppose).