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> f you're building a new Cloud native application and you don't have to worry about legacy migrations, you'll probably choose either DynamoDB or Aurora DSQL in 99.9% of cases.

If cloud-native means spending your life in AWS, that is.

I meant an AWS cloud native application, yes.

But I use "cloud native" in a way that actually makes sense, not the way that GCP dubbed Kubernetes and all of it's ecosystem of friends "cloud-native".

"Native" development on a desktop OS means using primitives specific to that OS. As opposed to using something like Java Applets or Electron which will give you cross-platform compatibility, but you're not developing "natively" for the platform. That has the obvious pros and cons to each way.

Kubernetes is very much the Electron way: Rely on a generic high-level abstraction that will then create awkward bindings of running on abstract generic servers - whether they're in your data center or in the cloud.

Calling that "cloud-native" is some Orwellian post-truthness. I hate it.

If you want to develop in the cloud and make the most of it, use Azure, use GCP, use AWS, I don't care (not true: AWS is the best; use AWS). Just use the cloud provider's NATIVE primitives.

Otherwise, you might as well go back to running your own data centers, what are you even doing.

(Note: i'm just some guy. You don't have to listen to me. It's just what I think)

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