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searching on the ios or mac app store, or sharing a link to the app download page, is not exactly hard to adopt most of the time.

Gen Z might think so but that’s because we’ve conditioned them to expect everything in a browser IMO, not because it’s actually complicated.

“no large binaries”, i agree browsers have an advantage here - somewhat. Most apps have large binaries because software development today is lazy. Companies typically use huge libraries for EVERYTHING and then their final binary gets bloated. For example 90% of apps (excluding games) could be 30mb or less. Stuff like analytics and user tracking, advertising libs, the list goes on.

Who says a native app can’t be collaborative? You can use http or websockets in a native app to push/pull data. That’s like saying social media apps aren’t collaborative.

I do agree some web apps are well executed. Figma is pretty good. Google docs and google maps are excellent. I have a few more that i genuinely enjoy using. That’s the _exception_ though.

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