I would love even more if the op would give us their definition of socialism. Because, to me, it means wanting to help others and make the world a better place. I expect op and I will disagree on that, given that we on the actual Left (not centrist libs) are deeply opposed to war, hence making the comment out of place (again, to me).
We can all agree of helping others, making the world a better place and being deeply opposed to war being important values. The hard part where it's important / interesting to discuss is what achieves it the best and what takes precedent over what.
I loved listening to Lex Friedman's imterview with Javier Milei as he was describing how Argentina went to a state of almost hyperinflation by the government helping every poor person with overtacation and overregulation.
I believe that the main reason for wars (and the only way it can be achieved) is money printing (elespecially creating bonds).
Most people from US would never agree in sending money to Ukraine (or at least not everybody) if the amout was explicitly written out
on their tax statement. Also I believe the governments shouldn't take money away from people to redistribute how they want (just the minimal amout that they need for keeping up a working society).
Nowdays I'm much more scared than angry about socialist thinking getting us all closer to WW3 though.