> Have all the jobs been fake for years? […] Basically society is run by useless people making work for other useless people so that together they can all alleviate their deep concern about not having a place in society.
> [T]he unprofitablity of the average person in rich countries cannot be ignored for too much longer. Their expectations exceed their market value, hence why protectionist economics to bring manufacturing back to America will not work.
> The neoluddites still think they have a chance. But structurally they can’t ever succeed, they can just choose if they want to bring the West down with them or not.
> Have all the jobs been fake for years? […] Basically society is run by useless people making work for other useless people so that together they can all alleviate their deep concern about not having a place in society.
> [T]he unprofitablity of the average person in rich countries cannot be ignored for too much longer. Their expectations exceed their market value, hence why protectionist economics to bring manufacturing back to America will not work.
> The neoluddites still think they have a chance. But structurally they can’t ever succeed, they can just choose if they want to bring the West down with them or not.