> We began to discuss changing the behavior of the reload button with the Chrome team. […] we proposed a compromise where resources with a long max-age would never get revalidated, but that for resources with a shorter max-age the old behavior would apply. The Chrome team thought about this and decided to apply the change for all cached resources, not just the long-lived ones.
> Firefox was quick in implementing the cache-control: immutable change and rolled it out just around when Chrome was fully launching their final fixes to reload.
> Chrome and Firefox’s measures have effectively eliminated revalidation requests to us from modern version of those browsers.
Manage date and time in UTC/Zulu. Append the time zone if that meta is needed and store both the client and server for backend. That way you don't have to deal with time travel and can handle time shifts.
I would say that concurrency is a caching issue once proper locking has been set.
Quoting https://engineering.fb.com/2017/01/26/web/this-browser-tweak...:
> We began to discuss changing the behavior of the reload button with the Chrome team. […] we proposed a compromise where resources with a long max-age would never get revalidated, but that for resources with a shorter max-age the old behavior would apply. The Chrome team thought about this and decided to apply the change for all cached resources, not just the long-lived ones.
> Firefox was quick in implementing the cache-control: immutable change and rolled it out just around when Chrome was fully launching their final fixes to reload.
> Chrome and Firefox’s measures have effectively eliminated revalidation requests to us from modern version of those browsers.