> We would like to combine Jepsen’s workload generation and history checking with Antithesis’ deterministic and replayable environment to make our tests more reproducible.
Furthermore, I'm aware of multiple banks currently using Kafka. One would hope that they're not using it in their core banking system given Kyle's findings
Maybe they'd be interested in funding a Jepsen ~attack~ experiment on Kafka
I see. I never trusted transactions and advised our app teams to not rely on them, at least without outside verification of them.
The situation is actually far worse with any client relying on librdkafka. Some of this has been fixed, but my company found at least a half dozen bugs/uncompleted features in librdkafka, mostly around retryable errors that were sometimes ignored, sometimes caused exceptions, and other times just straight hung clients.
Despite our company leaning heavily on Confluent to force librdkafka to get to parity with the Java client, it was always behind, and in general we started adopting a stance of not implementing any business critical functions on any feature implemented in the past year or major release.
For those unaware, Antithesis was founded by some of the folks who worked on FoundationDB - see https://youtu.be/4fFDFbi3toc?si=wY_mrD63fH2osiU- for some of their handiwork.
A Jepsen + Antithesis team up is something the world needs right now, specifically on the back of the Horizon Post Office scandal.
Thanks for all your work highlighting the importance of db safety Aphyr