Yes. A GPU can calculate more than two billion SHA-256 hashes per second, and adding 32 random bytes to each hashing is not going to slow it down enough to matter. Salting protects against rainbow tables; it's not an effective protection against someone just trying to brute-force guess passwords.
This is true. The bruteforce attempts will include the salts in, simply adding to the length of the textdata being hashed. After they get the matching string to the hash, it's an easy enough process to then figure out which part is the password and which is the salt. Attempts to get around this are done by things such as:
SHA512 is obviously a bit most costly, and therefore harder to bruteforce, but if you truly care about security you would be best to use PBKDF2 at minimum (built into Django's standard).
I'm confused. That combination of SHA1 and MD5 is, itself, a hash function, and should be brute-forceable using the exact same methods you would use to brute force any other hash function. It's also easy to GPU-accelerate.