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Commentary: Time to terminate the torture of time changes – Miami Herald (miamiherald.com)
8 points by bilsbie 60 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I would think they aren't first timers either: EU votes to scrap daylight saving in 2021 - https://www.rte.ie/news/europe/2019/0326/1038689-eu-daylight...

well maybe the difference is by the time an EU vote gets through to the national governments as an actual implementation, we'll be well underway to have dropped clock changes on most of the planet already...

Right on time. And nothing will change. And we will do the same thing again next March and there will be more opinion pieces.

These conversations always degenerate to people bickering about DST and non-DST and which is better.

Can we just agree to stop the fiddling FIRST, then we can spend the next 25 years arguing about which one is better?

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