It's quite clear that the question is not whether it is possible that an insignificant number of votes are cast fraudulently, because if we're talking about insignificant events, all things are possible.
Certainly the question is whether there's any evidence, after endless audits and investigations and lawsuits, that the volume of fraudulent votes is anywhere near large enough to affect the results.
Is it possible that someone registered their hamster to vote? Certainly.
Is there any evidence whatsoever that tens of thousands of hamsters are casting votes? No.
> Certainly the question is whether there's any evidence, after endless audits and investigations and lawsuits, that the volume of fraudulent votes is anywhere near large enough to affect the results.
(a) Nobody asked that above.
(b) You're conflating "do people do X" with "can people do X". Those are two very different questions. There are lots of things that people could easily do frequently, but that they simply don't do frequently. Perhaps because they're just honest, perhaps because they lack sufficient motivation to be dishonest, perhaps because they're worried they might get caught, perhaps because they have better things to do, etc.
I have no idea what the downvotes mean. Are people claiming "can illegal immigrants vote?" is somehow the same question as "are illegal immigrants voting frequently enough to sway the outcome of the election?" Those seem like manifestly different questions, what's so controversial?
Just seems like willful misinterpretation of the spirit of the question in casual convo to score some sort of point in a game you made up, esp after they clarified the context that their friend really thought it was legal for them to vote.
Their friend was intending to ask about legality, but my whole point was that the question itself doesn't convey that. I was saying that when I saw the quoted question, it seemed to me that it was being interpreted as "can illegal immigrants get away with voting", and they were probably encountering websites saying "illegal aliens are voting!!!", which is obviously confusing, even for someone who already knows it's illegal. Does that make sense?
This wasn't me willfully misinterpreting it, this was me literally doing my best to guess what the intention of the question was, based on the question. Now of course after the comment said the answer is an "obvious no" then I finally figured out the intended question was something else (hence my reply), but that's out-of-band information that was in no way conveyed by the query. And my point was that the answer to the question isn't obvious because the meaning of the question itself isn't clear.
Is it possible to steal money from a bank and get away with it? Is it possible to obtain citizenship fraudulently and get away with it? etc.
But if they got away with it then how do you know?
> How did they vote and get away with it previously?
Look it up on Wikipedia? They literally have linked cases from the past:
Or look at the most recent case in the news yesterday, which someone already replied with in the other comment:
> At the risk of derailing the conversation down a completely different rabbit hole...
This will definitely derail the conversation so I'll just leave my reply at this.