> “I was on something like page 16 of Google search and found a laser survey done by a Mexican organisation for environmental monitoring,” explains Luke Auld-Thomas, a PhD student at Tulane university in the US.
Oh, I thought he’s just gotten lost deep in the jungle (presumably looking for the free pizza that was left over from the undergrads’ seminar). But wow, 16’th page of Google, that really is uncharted territory.
Since the 16th page of a google search is usually the end of the third repetition of the first four pages of a google search, he'd probably already missed it three times...
> But wow, 16’th page of Google, that really is uncharted territory.
Would it make a difference if instead of querying google he was at the library of a Mexican organization for environmental monitoring reading obscure reports?
Only slightly less difficult than hunting down an obscure Reddit thread that is improperly red-black balanced 15 nodes in from the root and still 10 nodes away from the leaf.
Oh, I thought he’s just gotten lost deep in the jungle (presumably looking for the free pizza that was left over from the undergrads’ seminar). But wow, 16’th page of Google, that really is uncharted territory.