I think the comment you are replying to is suggesting he's angling to get appointed NOAA administrator or some similar role by Trump, if he wins. I can see someone whose dedicated their life to weather and has major criticisms of government policy there wanting that job but not being interested in a mere well paying private sector job.
Being the NOAA administrator is a particularly not-fun role if you're primarily a research scientist. I _highly_ doubt Cliff Mass is on any short lists for this job. Several folks from private industry immediately come to mind as likely picks, mostly from the venture capital-infused weather analytics industry.
About as likely as some random mid level Microsoft PM getting a role in the Harris administration via blog post about Agile. Cliff isn't some giant in meteorology, he's just a prof and Seattle weather blogger. He says in the comments, "I am not endorsing a candidate on this blog. I am having FUN," but you are polarized enough to think that any form of non-critical satirizing is an endorsement. That's fine. Cliff is a moderate which many leftists in Seattle misread as hard trump supporter.
How many trump staffers read his blog, do you think? Are weather models a hot topic among them?