I’m slightly worried that these AI tools will hurt language development. Boilerplate heavy and overly verbose languages are flawed. Coding languages should help us express things more succinctly, both as code writers and as code readers.
If AI tools let us vomit out boilerplate and syntax, I guess that sort of helps with the writing part (maybe. As long as you fully understand what the AI is writing). But it doesn’t make the resulting code any more understandable.
Of course, as is always the case, the tools we have now are the dumbest they’ll ever be. Maybe in the future we can have understandable AI that can be used as a programming language, or something. But AI as a programming language generator seems bad.
I used to agree with this, but the proliferation of Javascript made me realize that newer/better programming languages were already not coming to save us.
Wondering. Since the seniors pair with LLMs, world needs much less juniors. Some juniors will go away to other industries, but some might start projects in new languages without LLM/business support.
Frankly, otherwise I don't see how any new lang corpus might get created.
If AI tools let us vomit out boilerplate and syntax, I guess that sort of helps with the writing part (maybe. As long as you fully understand what the AI is writing). But it doesn’t make the resulting code any more understandable.
Of course, as is always the case, the tools we have now are the dumbest they’ll ever be. Maybe in the future we can have understandable AI that can be used as a programming language, or something. But AI as a programming language generator seems bad.