There are measures to prevent or at least mitigate that, like RPKI. But having a sensible improvement doesn’t mean that everyone is using it, look at IPv6.
Those protocols weren’t designed for privacy or financial transactions. Those things have just been kludged on top.
No one back then designed those protocols for our use cases today.
Ask rather why we haven’t upgraded all the hardware that supports all those old protocols? So that these protocols could also be updated and modernised.
We won’t replace electricity but we’ll build on top of it. Electricity is fundamentally the same since ever: copper wires transport it and it flows between two poles.
That’s a bit what C is - the basis of other languages and for that it works fine. We abstract up the chain of complexity.
There will always be a fundamental basis for all technology and it will never be perfect. Tesla would have preferred to use DC currents, instead we have AC which is more dangerous.
DC was preferred by Edison, not Tesla, which is not more dangerous at all. That was propaganda by Edison to disparage *EDIT:AC current. DC is just as dangerous as AC.