As someone who has only looked at Bitcoin from the outside, it nonetheless hits many of my personal interests: currency arbitrage, encryption, digital ventures, security, etc.
So, I'm interested in outcomes of Bitcoin. Ebay has all sorts of restrictions on what you can post and bid on, will a market emerge for (as others noted) OJ's book, transplant kidneys and illegal publications?
On a less lurid scale the site _has_ to do some serious work and thought around fraud, transactions and reputation in anonymous settings, work I'd like to take lessons from.
So, I'm interested in outcomes of Bitcoin. Ebay has all sorts of restrictions on what you can post and bid on, will a market emerge for (as others noted) OJ's book, transplant kidneys and illegal publications?
On a less lurid scale the site _has_ to do some serious work and thought around fraud, transactions and reputation in anonymous settings, work I'd like to take lessons from.