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I’m building a way for developers to easily deploy open source applications (Postgres, redis, sentry, elastic search, etc), plus have a full heroku like workflow for their own applications, all within their kubernetes cluster, with what I hope is a super intuitive and friendly UI.

I’ve ran a start up and saw how SaaS-ified and expensive web tooling is (heroku, datadog, redshift, fivetran, etc), but how difficult it was to move off of them. We had a few years of over 1 million in infrastructure spend.

I’m hoping just making Kubernetes easier to use gives us a way out.

It’s fully open source and a hosted version is free to use! https://canine.sh.

Would love feedback on it, including how the overall pitch could be better, or if it actually solves people’s problems.

I can't find any pricing info on that page except "Get started for 1$$" and then it wants me to sign in. No thanks. I'd like to know what I'm getting into before signing up.

Actually, the $1 thing is a relic, I just removed it. I have no pricing whats so ever, since all canine has to do is connect to your cluster and do all the hard work there, it is totally free :)

I cant access the github repo for some reason

whoops! Made it private, facepalm should be fixed now

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