I do t think there’s any country in Europe with internet infrastructure as underdeveloped as the US. Most of Europe has fibre-to-the-premise, and all of Europe has consumer internet packages that are faster and cheaper than you’re gonna find anywhere in the U.S.
There's (almost) no FTTH in Germany. The US used to be as bad as Germany, but it has improved significantly and is actually pretty decent these days (though connection speed is unevenly distributed).
Both countries are behind e.g. Sweden or Russia, but Germany by a much larger margin.
There's some trickery done in official statistics (e.g. by factoring in private connections that are unavailable to consumers) to make this seem better than it is, but ask anyone who lives there and you'll be surprised.
The east has fibre everywhere, but the west is still a developing country(side). Shipping code on a truck would be faster, if you are not on some academic fibre net