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People from Germany have heard a lot from him and we can't understand why anybody would think he is a hero or some innocent victim.

The enemy of my enemy...

K.C's appeal comes from the fact that he quite rightly criticizes the incompetent and heavy-handed actions of some very unlikeable people - DC insiders and lobbyists. His portrayal of events is, if perhaps exaggerated, certainly plausible and more possessing of verisimilitude than the official party line.

As with Assange his appeal comes, not from a reasoned appraisal of the totality of his person, but rather from a shared dislike of his powerful enemies.

I believe only people ignorant of his attitude or past can consider him anything close to a 'hero'.

Oh, I don't doubt he's earned the bad reputation-- just goes to highlight the degree to which they bungled the arrest and prosecution.

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